New Release

  • - 9 % Off

    Sansevieria laurentii One of the most popular and hardy of houseplants, it’s virtually indestructible and adaptable to almost any condition. Whether you throw it in full, direct sunlight or shove it in the low-light corner of your apartment, it’ll grow. And to top it off, it’ll go weeks without water…

  • $20.00$48.00

    Crassula ovata ‘Hobbit’ This plant thrives with quick-draining soil, bright light conditions, and occasional waterings. It has unique, tubular foliage, and brilliant red edges when given the right light. Bright, indirect light and some direct sun is ideal. SM: ~8″ tall and a 4″ pot. Pro-tip: Regular pruning will result…

  • $22.00$55.00

    Crassula ovata The perfect, classic plant for travelers and minimalists. It does best with a lot of sun and little attention. Only requiring waterings once in a while, this plant is great for those with busy schedules. It’s also said to bring good luck, so its also great for beginners.…

  • $22.00$55.00

    Sansevieria laurentii One of the most popular and hardy of houseplants, it’s virtually indestructible and adaptable to almost any condition. Whether you throw it in full, direct sunlight or shove it in the low-light corner of your apartment, it’ll grow. And to top it off, it’ll go weeks without water…

  • $25.00$58.00

    Hoya carnosa compacta This highly-sought after hoya has unique, waxy, crinkled leaves. A slow grower, this plant has low care needs and grows lush, cascading vines. It’s known to bloom fragrant, pink star-shaped flower clusters with patience and proper upkeep. Bright indirect sunlight. Some direct light is okay. SM: ~6″…

  • $25.00$58.00

    Hoya pubicalyx This hoya has green, waxy leaves with splashes of silver variegation, and is one of the fastest growing varieties. With a lot of sun, these splashes may gain a pinkish tint. With patience and proper care, it will bloom fragrant, star-shaped flower clusters. Medium to bright indirect light.…


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